ernhard was a slightly built man with
a short brown beard. In 1126, then aged 36, Bernhard appeared as frail as
that of an old man. He had a chronic gastric disorder that kept him perpetually
weak. Yet through this physical frailty shone a spiritual strength that caused
even popes and kings to seek his advice.
egend has it that before his birth,
his mother dreamed that she bore a barking dog within her. A monk interpreted
the dream as meaning her child would be a healer and watch-dog of the Church.
By the age of 21, Bernhard had joined the monastery of Citeaux - persuading
29 others to take the vow with him and four of his five brothers. His youngest
brother joined him later. By the time Bernhard was 35, the austere Citeaux
monastery had grown to include three daughter-houses. Bernhard was abbot
of a monastery he had built-up from nothing, in an isolated valley called
is faith was simple, direct and
uncompromising. Many of his letters survive, giving a clear picture of a
man totally devoted to his faith, but with love and compassion. His letters
and sermons saw his reputation as a visionary spread quickly and far. Even
before 10 years as abbot had passed, Bernhard had been called upon to resolve
international disputes, chastise kings, advise those who asked and inspire
the population to piety.
ernhard slept little, and ate minimally
because of his condition. Anything less than complete worship was, to him,
a waste of time. He feared no mans anger and was eminently practical in his
decisions. King Baldwin sent Montbard and Gondemare of the Templars to petition
St Bernhard's support for a new Militant Order. Bernhard
leapt upon the idea, convincing the Pope and the
Holy Council of the Church Knights merit. On January 13, 1128, St Bernhard
addressed the assembly at Troyes cathedral - presenting the Rule of the Knights
Templar which was to defend the Holy Land for almost 200 years.
t Bernhard was forced by
Pope Eugenius III to throw much of his reputation
and status into raising the disastrous Second Crusade. He did this, despite
failing health and great reluctance. After Christendom's defeat, he returned
to his monastery where he composed a series of sermons which have since become
literary classics. He died at Clairvaux in 1153. By the time of his death,
his monastery at Clairvaux had grown to include more than 160 affiliated