he official slogan, or service mark,
of the Order was taken from the Psalm 113. It translates to "Not unto us,
O Lord, not unto us, but to thy name glory".
he revered St Bernhard, founder of
the Cistercian Order, drew up the Rule based on those of the Cistercians,
instilling in them a strong monastic trait. He was very disappointed in the
worldly knight of the period, scorning them for their vanity, and he welcomed
the new, austere, spiritual knights with vigour, as can be seen from these
two excerpts from his tract written in the early 1130's called In Praise
of the New Chivalry:
n the other hand, then, is the knight
of Christ:
[Scribe's note: The knights were not supposed to take off their lambskin
underwear ever. I just had to say that.]
ith such thinking behind the Order,
it soon became famous for its rigid discipline, which made it the elite troops
of the Crusader armies. Originally there were only two classes of brothers,
namely knights and servants, but in the 1100's a new class, that of brother
priests, was introduced. Servants were of two classes: fratres
servienti, who were employed in manual labor, and fratres servienti
armigeri, who were fighting men. A fourth group, sergeants, followed
a little later. All brothers were to be of age, and therefore this Order
had no oblates as did most other Catholic Orders. The knights wore a white
mantle emblazoned with only the red cross, as did the Armigeri. Other brothers
dressed in ordinary black or brown clothes. Common to all were the full
renouncement of worldly possessions, which passed on to the Order; disdain
for all unnecessary accessories; poverty and chastity; unflinching obedience
to the commander of each Preceptory, who in turn owed allegiance to the Grand
Master; and finally, especially for the knights, the promise to uphold the
honor of the Order and rather die in battle than turn away from danger. Their
stated purpose was "not to seek glory but victory", and they saw killing
infidels "not as homicide, but as malicide". Married men were allowed affiliation
with the Order, but they were not received into it. Wives were given an allowance
after their husbands died, but they were not permitted to stay on Templar
property after becoming widows.
he Armigeri and sergeants were
noncombatant personnel in normal times. The Rule stated that the Armigeri
would not fight unless the situation explicitly required him to. When Templar
knights lined up for battle, one ecuyer stood before the knight to carry
his lance, and another led a spare horse behind the knight. When battle ensued,
the spare horses were lead to a safe place in the rear and put under the
control of another officer, the confannonier, and the lance-bearer
also left the field for the melee to have more room and not to be kicked
about by galloping knights.
he Rule of the Order initially contained
72 articles, but in the 1140's they were amended i.e. with elaborate systems
for selecting officials of the Order. For more information on the organization
of the Order, please turn to The Structure of the
Order in the Bailey.