A General Timeline of the Order
The First Crusade preached by Pope Urban II
The First Crusade initiated
Jerusalem captured from Muslims
Knights Templars founded (some sources cite 1118)
The Council of Troyes, the Rule of the Order adopted
Second Crusade preached
Second Crusade initiated, then crushed in 1148 outside Damascus in Syria
Templars firmly established in Jerusalem and other major towns of
Palestine, as well as Europe
Jerusalem recaptured by Muslims, led by Saladin
Pope Gregory VIII preaches the Third Crusade in his letter Audita
Third Crusade fails to relieve Jerusalem; Richard I of England and Philip
II of France depart for the Holy Land
Richard I enters treaty with Saladin; Jerusalem opened for Christian pilgrims
Fourth Crusade preached
Fifth Crusade preached
Jerusalem somewhat surprisingly liberated by Frederick II's treaty with the
Sultan of Egypt; held until 1244, during which time the Templars reinstated
themselves on the Temple Mount
St Louis's Egyptian Crusade, the last large-scale offensive of its type
Acre falls as the last bastion on the Crusader state in Palestine
Philip the Fair arrests
Templars on October 13th
54 Templars burned at stake to harass remaining Templars into confession
Jacques de Molay and Geoffroi de Charnay burned at stake
Death of Philip the Fair
Death of Clement V
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