he Templars had their own magical
square. They did apparently not invent it, though, as it has been found in
the excavations in Pompey, too. In it were written the words SATOR AREPO
TENET OPERA ROTAS, which (loosely translated) mean "The farmer (or sower)
Arepo keeps the world rolling". This is in my guess is a reference to God,
although "Arepo" is a bit vague to say the least.
n G.R.Hocke: Manierismus in der
Literatur, the following description appears. [Submitted by
Franz Rodenkirchen]
See the illustration below and figure out for yourself.
t first glance it becomes obvious
only that this is a Latin palindrome, a multi-directional one at that. Regardless
of where you start, you can read the same string backwards and forwards.
Considering the scarcity of palindromes in many languages, a multidirectional
one is really rare (in fact this is the only such palindrome I know of).
Closer inspection may reveal that the letters in the square are enough for
two strings, "Pater Noster" (Our Father), with two a´s and two o´s
left over. For the meaning of these we must remember that Christ is sometimes
referred to as the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end, in Christian
literature, and the Templars were very aware of this.
t is left as an excercise to the reader
to extract more data from the Square. We will now proceed to inspect the
geometrical qualities of the Square. Now, it must be remembered that Masons
were held in very high regard in medieval times. This was because the Masons
possessed information that enabled them to build the medieval cathedrals,
information which they guarded jealously. To continue, you may wish to complete
the following steps, using normal, non-virtual paper to carry out the
instructions as displays are hard to bend.
This is what you should get. Can you see the hidden cross? If not, click
hose readers who master this will
very likely be adept at other hermetical puzzles as well and might have had
a future in the occult circles in the medieval era.