upposedly, the Head is actually on
and the same as the Lubaantun Crystal Skull, supposedly discovered by E.A.
Mitchell-Hedges in 1918. Mitchell-Hedges reputedly found the skull on a 1918
expedition to the ruins of Lubaantun, a Mayan city. But an article in FATE
magazine (FATE 547, October 1995, on pp. 22-24, "The Mitchell-Hedges Crystal
Skull, Part 2: The Skull's Origin," by Mark Chorvinsky) disputes his claim.
hey cite several discrepancies:
oday, the Skull is held at the British
Museum, and has been since 1937. Mysterious events (visions, etc.) are associated
with the Skull, which would certainly support the Skull as the Head claim.
If the Skull was indeed of Arabic origin c. 1200 it would certainly support
the claim, as the Templars were founded during the Crusades, which were in
the Arabia area.
upport for this claim is minimal and
mostly circumstancial, but it is nonetheless an intriguing theory.