Received: May 12, 1996
I am fascinated by the history of the Templars and their possible connection to the legend of the Golden Fleece of the Argonauts, their disappearance, and their future (perhaps current) incarnations. I doubt that current orders claiming the Templar name have a direct link to the original order. If some remnant of that order still exists, in whatever form, and their customs and rites have been been preserved.
Received: May 12, 1996
Nice reproduction of Templar associated graphics! Also contains useful pointers to other areas of interest.
Keep updating!
Regards, Alan Neill
Received: May 12, 1996
Great web page. You should be proud of yourself and pat yourself on the back
:) I particularly loved the Graphic of the drawbridge.
Received: May 12, 1996
Enjoyed perusing the site greatly. I thought I was the only weird person out there obsessed with the Knights. Glad to know this is not so.
Any new stuff? Book recommendations - I have most of the tomes cited in the bibliographies and am anxious to add to the pile. Even any good, factual fictional novels based on the Knights Templar would be welcome.
Received: May 12, 1996
I think this site is one of the best I have found yet. My hat's off to you. I am an avid Knights Templar buff and read everything I can get my hands on about the crusades. All of them!! So this web site is a dream come true and plan to visit it at least once a day for a long while. Thank you for this.
Received: May 12, 1996
I have just finished reading Alan Gold's The Final Candidate which draws together a lot of the history of the Templars and links it to the growth of the Mafia and right wing politics. It's an interesting read, particularly the stuff about the Templars but, as usual, Gold's ending leaves much to be desired.
Received: May 16, 1996
I applaud your site and I haven't thuroughly digested the bulk of info but I'll be back!I'm particularly interested in the use of "Archery" in history.Success in all your endeavers!
Received: May 16, 1996
This site is great. I'm glad that there is a place for the Sacred Order of the Knights Templar on the net, their memory deserves it.
"Non Nobis Domine"
George D. Mavronicolas
Received: May 16, 1996
I'm very intrigued by the whole HEAD OF BAPHOMET controversy: were or weren't the Templars heretics? I don't know. I'm very intrigued by the theory that the HEAD OF BAPHOMET is actually one and the same as the LUBAANTUN CRYSTAL SKULL. (Idea originally proposed in FATE magazine). The CRYSTAL SKULL (currently at the British Museum?) is now believed to be of Arabic origin, dating from c. 1200 (hmm, time and place of the templars). If you have any other info on this theory, email me.
Received: May 16, 1996
Well, I'm a member of ARC from Brazil and in my travels through the web, I discovered this page like other order's pages and like it very much.
Received: May 16, 1996
I recently saw a program called "Shadow of the Templars". It had a list of the Grand Masters, the eighth of which may have been an ancient ancestor, Francois Othon de St. Amand. The list you have for the Masters shows "Odo de St. Amand". Don't know the reason for the difference, but if you have any info which could help me track down this venerable ancestor, I'd greatly appreciate it!
This site is great. I'm glad that there is a place for the Sacred Order of the Knights Templar on the net, their memory deserves it.
"Non Nomis Domine"
George D. Mavronicolas
I applaud your site and I haven't thuroughly digested the bulk of info but I'll be back!I'm particularly interested in the use of "Archery" in history.Success in all your endeavers!
Freemasonry a society for creative anachronism? If it wasn't for freemasonry you wouldn't enjoy the freedom you have today and we probably would still have a king. Your such a history buff, you should reasearch the role masonry has had in American history. You call yourself a Knight's Templar I doubt it!
It's people like you who give masonry a bad rap when in fact you proubably know little about it.
The founder of are country was a mason. Half the people who signed the Declaration of Indepedance where, many who were not at the time later became one.
From: carlos torregrosa
it helped me to understand the history of templars. there are many miths and information found in encyclopedias is very scarce.
I want to thank you very much for maintaining this Templar page. It is a labor of love much appreciated here. Link to it is made on the Philosophy page, Cosmology section, of The Homeschooling Homepage and The Sri Sathya Sai Virtual RishiKul, which my wife and I maintain, also as a labor of love, and whose URLs are listed below.
All the best,
-- The Rev. David R. Graham
Adwaitha Hermitage
Email: as4603ebsise@InfoAve.Net
I enjoy your page. I am very interested in Medival subjects such as Knights, Castles, ect. I am glad to see this page up. I hope you add on and continue to mantain this page.
Just magic! My interest on subjects related to this one, has been growing with the years, so now that finally, information is not really a problem, I just find it amazing, not only to have access to the information, but to meet people with similar interests as me! Congratulations also for the building of the page. It's great.
From: george helton
Congratulations on a marvelously interesting site. You do not mention the Scottish connection and the alleged Templar graves around the Clydebank area. Did Bruce give them sanctuary? and did they help at Bannockburn?. I will watch this space
I enjoyed my few minutes in your Preceptory very much! I am interested in the history of the Knights Templar. Have seen their story told on one of the public broadcasting channels of my cable service company. Would like to contact the real Knights Templar organization, if they exist, as opposed to the free mason's order. Also curious whether an ancestor of mine Henri Gratien Bertrand, (General under Napoleon) was a member of the Knights Templar. Thanks in advance for any help or information you can offer me.
sincerely, Louis Bertrand 5th
Thank you for creating this site. My wife, now deceased, and I were constantly researching the Templars and especially their alleged role in the French Revolution. What an enigmatic bunch, huh? My E-mail address will be changing soon due to a change in providers. I will update then. Once again thanks.
Excellent site....very well done with volumes of facinating and enlightening information.
From: dcook[]
I've just spent a good hour cruising your site: it is a fine piece of work, and I have enjoyed it very much.
I have a question: assuming the templar fleet sailed out of paris prior to the arrests, why has there not been any evidence found of their final destination ? (The Scottish connection seems wildly circumstantial).
Have you ever encountered any suggestion that the fleet moved north, toward Scandanavia?
Dr. D.L.Cook
Extremely well done! Great page! I found the graphics, the content, the organization of the content, and the references to be informative and thought-provoking. There was obviously a tremendous amount of time and research involved in putting this project together. This was my first visit, but it won't be my last. Congratulations!
Fascinated to know that there is a Knights Templar Page. I'm very interested in the history of this order and there possible connection to historica, legendary and mythological data.
interesting. personally, i'm not that impressed with HBHG's lincoln & co, fangthorpe seem sto have more insight. would like to know your thoughts on the "cutting of the elm" and the validity of the prieure du sion. drop me a line if you get the time and inclination. PEACE 681
One thing has puzzled me about the Templar wealth; they built many castles, churches, and othe establishments all of which cost a great deal to build let alone maintain. These costs and the cost of maintaining a war in the Holy Land would have bankrupt any king of that time or any other time.
How is it that the Templars has so much extra capital, enough to be money lenders to kings and bankers for all?
They seem to have a bottomless barrel of capital.
Has anyone tried to figure the cost of their building and operations?
From: Leticia Vargas
Discupas por no escribir en ingls, no soy muy buena para escribir en ese idioma, aunque lo entiendo bastante. Mi inters es saber si existe algn grupo o asociacin que est dedicada al estudio de los Templarios. Por favor, contstame, realmente me interesa mucho. Gracias.
I have just begun my journey through these virtual halls, but I must say that, so far, I am intrigued!
I knew nearly nothing of the Templar knights until I stumbled upon a novel by Umberto Eco entitled "Foucalt's Pendulum". My interest is now piqued....... and I subsequently found myself here.
My only adverse comment is that your pages take a long time to load (I have a 14.4 modem). Have you considered jpegs vice gifs? Much faster.
Thank you for providing such a fascinating repository of interesting history.
This was a very enjoyable tour. It is a hobby of mine to peruse esoteric subjects and this is one area that I find to be very interesting indeed. One question I have though and I do not if anyone connected to this site has the answer. I read somewhere that there was a revival of the Order of the Templars forming in Canada and and I was wondering, is there any information about this out there anywhere? Also, are there any other orders that are calling themselves Knights Templar, aside from Masonic orders?
I have just spent about 4 hours, reading most of the material on your site. I must say Congratulations, on a great job!
I will find myself returning to read new topics as they become available. I am a knight buff longstanding, and I enjoy sites with medieval content, specially if it is as informative as the one in your site.
Keep up the good Work!
Great web page. Thanks for putting so much effort into the subject. I found you page using Alta Vista and searching for Templars. I became interested in the subject after reading a book by the Italian author, Uberto Eco. The name of the book is Foucaults Pendulum. If you have not read it already, I would highly reccomend it.
Again, thanks for putting together such a great web site.
Rob Marble
From: Len Choptiany
I stumbled upon this site from Canada and wish to congraulate you on an excellent design, and an excellent service to those of us vitally interested in the Templars.
The blood of Jesus
is the wine of the dead.
And the drunken angels,
Bleed with incest.
Like you, I am fascinated by the medieval period and in particular the Knights Templar. Your website is extensive and very informative on the Order. Truly, your site is an excellent resource for historians.
P.S. I wonder if you can also go into the other military orders like the Knights Hospitaller,Teutonic Knights, as well as the Red Cross Order of Calatrava from Spain.
This is probably THE best of sites. I am new to the study of mid-evil history in general and the Knights in particular. This information is most enlightening.
(I happened onto your site via the masonic home page)
Thanks...we'll be in touch
Email: AK48@AOL.COM
The Chasel Blanc is still intact in the Town name Safita. The tower is 28 meter high and is the church for the town. The name of the church is St. Michael. I will be glad to send some pictures.
This is an excellent site. I would like to see some information about the role of the Templars in the Scottish Wars of Independence and their relationship with Robert The Bruce. I would also be interested in finding out how to go about becoming a member of the Knights Templar.
From: Gerry Sargent
Just surfed in and quickly browsed. I've bookmarked it for a return visit. Not too sure about the review of The Hiram Key! Rather too glib for my taste in reviews. Looks a very interesting site to which I'll return.
Best wishes.
This is a really cool site. I'm new online so hope I can find it again! Is there info on Rennes LeChateau? Or the Priory de Sion?
Found this link on the home page of my F&AM Lodge 45 in Pa. and decided to brouse it. This is great. Keep up the good work.
I am very impressed with the work you've done here. I became interested in the Templars after reading Holy Blood, Holy Grail. I read it quite a while ago and have read anything else I could find on the subject.
I am interested in trying to find any video's that have been made on the subject such as the BBS ones by Lincoln and Baigent. If you know of any sources for them I would be very grateful for that information.
I hope to hear from you. Chris Waidele
A Facinating Site! As a Freemason (Pacific Rim Lodge #567, Long Beach, Ca.) and a member of the SCA (Allan Bluehood of Woodes Ende), I am interested in the historical aspects of the Order as well as information relative to re-enacting the Order. Currently I am looking for information concerning the Templars in hiding in the mid to late 14th century, as well as any possible connection with Wat the Tyler's revolt. (See John J. Robinson's book "Born In Blood") Because of their secrecy the Templars have always been targets for idle speculation. Just as Freemasonry is now. BTW: if you are ever in Long Beach on tuesday night, drop by the Lodge, brother.
My name is Oswald (Osvaldo), I was reading your works If you receive my mail, I'll want to interchange some opnions Sincerely yours
Musa Osvaldo, from Mendoza, Argentina
I enjoyed your site. I am a Templar in the Society For Creative Anachronism.
Great web page.
si me permitis, os har un comentario en espaol, para aadir un poco de curiosidad en los comments. realmente estoy impresionado con la dureza de la vida de los templarios (ya dura de por si en la edad media) y me intriga como llegaba alguien a plantearse el unirse a la orden. glad to visit your site. sb
From: Petra A Email: Moi Heikki! Hki 5.7.96 Olen varsinainen noviisi nettisurffailussa vielä, mutta nyt jo toista kertaa sun sivuillasi. Enkä varmaankaan viimeistä kertaa... Mukava huomata, että keskiaikaan höyrhätneitä löytyy enemmänkin. Eilen käväistessäni täällä jätin lyhyen 'note'n, että luen parhaillaan Umberto Econ Focaultin heiluria, joka sai minut kaivelemaan netistä enemmän tietoa Temppeliherroista. Oletko itse lukenut kyseisen kirjan? Toistaiseksi en ole päässyt kuin vasta sivulle 113 (580 jäljellä) mutta kirja vaikuttaa varsin mielenkiintoiselta. Jos salatieteet yhtnkn sinua kiinnostavat, suosittelen lämpimästi. Kijassa kerrotaan lyhyesti temppeliherrojen tarina -mahtaako tosin olla mitään uutta sinulle auringon alla? Erittäin hyvää jatkoa ja aurinkoista kesää (näkis vaan!) sinullekin! Petra
Certainly one of the most interest degrees I have taken, this This page hopefully will entice the uninitiated and enrich brethern who happen upon it. While my voice screan access software doesn't work well with netscape, and the pictures would be lost on me anyway, the descriptions work and are enhanbed in the mind's browser. Thanks for the page..
My thanks for producing and maintaining this page!
The page has been significantly helpful to me in a project I am developing: I am hoping to write a novel of historical fiction centered around the Order, perhaps even an "epic" spanning the entire history of the Order.
Any ideas/suggestions you might have would be most greatly appreciated.
Donald E. Bernardo
Erie, PA