Chronology of the Trial of the Order
aterial for this page is mainly collected
Trial of the Templars by Malcolm Barber, which to my knowledge is
the best book on the trial. Not all the points in the list are discussed
in detail in the other pages, but those with additional information available
have been linked (or will be linked later) to the supplemental data.
October 1285 Accession to the throne of Philip IV
September 1303 Philip attacks Pope Boniface
VIII at Anagni, Italy
November 14 1305 Coronation of Pope Clement V
Late 1306/ early 1307 Jacques de Molay enters the West
14 September 1307 Philip issues secret orders to his baillis and
sénéschaux in preparation of the impending arrests.
13 October 1307 Philip's orders carried out - all
Templars arrested in Paris and elsewhere in France
14 October 1307 Guillaume de Nogaret introduces the list of charges
to a gathering of university theologians and other clergy
19 October 1307 Hearings of Templars commences in Paris
24 October 1307 First confession of Jacques de Molay
25 October 1307 De Molay repeats his confession at the University
of Paris
27 October 1307 Clement V's letter arrives at Philip's court,
communicating papal indignation of the arrests
9 November 1307 Confession of Hugues de Pairaud,
Visitor of the Order
22 November 1307 Clement issues the bull
Pastoralis Praeeminentiae
24 December 1307 De Molay revokes his confession before the Pope's
February 1308 Clement suspends the Inquisition in connection with
the Templar case
24-29 March 1308 Philip convokes the Estates-General
5-15 May 1308 Meeting of the Estates-General at Tours
27 June 1308 Philip sends the Pope 72 picked Templas to present their
5 July 1308 The bull Subit assidue issued
12 August 1308 Clement issues the bulls
Faciens Misericordiam and
Regnans in Coelis
Spring 1309 Beginning of episcopal inquiries into the Order
22 November 1309 Papal commission begins inquiries
26 November 1309 First appearance of Jacques de Molay before the
14 March 1310 127 articles of accusation read to the Templars who
were ready to defend the Order
28 March 1310 Mass meeting in Paris of Templars in defence of the
4 April 1310 Clement issues the bull Alma Mater
7 April 1310 Templars mount the first real defence led by Pierre de
Bologna and Renaud de Provins
10 May 1310 Burning of 54 Templars near Paris. Defence collapses.
16 October 1311 Opening of the Council in Vienne, Southern France
Late October 1311 7 Templars risk their neck by attempting to defend
the Order
22 March 1312 Clement issues the bull Vox in Excelso under
the personal influence of Philip
2 May 1312 The bull Ad Providam
6 May 1312 Considerantes dudum
21 March 1313 Hospitallers agree to pay 200,000 livres tournois (a
sizable sum indeed) to Philip for his troubles in bringing the Templars down
18 March 1314 Burning of Jacques de Molay and Geoffroi de Charney
20 April 1314 Death of Clement V
29 November 1314 Death of Philip IV
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