ollowing the Latin rule, brothers
were awakened at matins. They were to get up in silence, put on their simple
surcoats and habits (white, black or brown depending on
rank), and go to the church or chapel. Everyone
said twenty-eight Pater Nosters, fourteen for the hours of the day and fourteen
for the Blessed Mary. This was repeated at the hours of prime, terce, midday,
and mass, if possible, but of course, expeditions cut down the number of
available moments of prayer.
hen, at midday, at the sound of the
bell, all brothers assembled in the hall for the first meal of the day. Eating
alone was a form of penance. After a prayer, consisting of 60 Pater Nosters
(count 'em) the Preceptor sat first, and then the knights and other brothers.
At all meals there was bread, salt and wine or water, but main courses varied
according to the season and surroundings. All in all the Order ate well to
maintain their health. Knights, servants, and priests ate at separate tables,
maintaining as little communication as possible. Especially jocular speech
or laughter was shunned. After the meal the knights were to again say a prayer
and then to retreat to the stables, to see that their horses were being well
tended to. On expeditions they were to use this time also to check their
equipment and prepare for eventual battle. Even if free time happened to
fall into the hands of knights, they were not to use it in vain, especially
not to hunt.
he rules of the Order specified that
the brothers must always wear small cords around their body to remind them
of the chastity they were bound to by oath. At night they were to maintain
a small light lest enemies attack them by the veil of darkness. The rules
also specified that a brother could not become a godfather to anyone, enter
a house in which a woman lay in confinement, allow women servants unless
they were ill and no other arrangement was available, and not to kiss any
woman on the mouth, not even the members of their immediate family. The
misogynistic tendencies were very evident in the ways of the Order.
hen there was the time governed by
the French Rule. This version has elaborate lists of clothes and equipment.
For example, the knights were supposed always to wear their habit except
when sick. For some reason they may not eat or drink without the habit. Even
now the aim of the Order was to follow a strict Cistercian
way of life. The Order was to observe two Lents, one before Christmas
and another before Easter. That meant forty days of fasting, except if there
was fighting to be done or the Grand Master thought
it better not to fast this time.
he French Rule is also explicit on
infractions and sanctions. There were two main sanctions, loss of habit and
loss of house. The habit was lost for such mischiefs as refusing to obey
a superior, fighting another Templar, wounding a Christian, and giving alms
to lay people of the House. One would lose the House for simony, revealing
his Chapter, killing a Christian, larceny, and heresy. It is interesting
to think that the Order participated in the Albigensian
Crusade and served one Christian lord fighting another, which must have
resulted in some Christians losing their lives. Maybe the Pope was able to
ease guilt on some occasions.